Thursday, June 5, 2008

R U The 1?

In this society of forward thinkers, we are increasingly more aware of the purpose and meaning of life. Words like "destiny" and "purpose" are now part of the contemporary school of thought, more than any other time in history. Whether we hear messages in the churches, or read positive or spiritual material, people are accepting the idea that life, not only has meaning, but the meaning of can be ascertained.

Let me start with dating. In my short 30+ years on the planet, I'm seeing a transition in society from, marrying whoever you're dating, to seeking for your soul-mate. Now, there's still a large percentage who marry for x number of reasons that do not include being their soul-mate. But there's an increasing number of singles who are turned on to the notion that there is a person who they're "destined" to be with. Some people happen to find them, while others wait prayerfully for them to come. Not to be confused with "hopeless romantics" who wish their s.o. will ride in on a white horse, these "soul-mate-searchers" realize that their person may not be flawless, but, they will have everything they need. This is why the rash in dating, phone, and online services., amongst many, many others, furnish the idea that "The One" is out there. Obviously, these persons who are waiting for their soul's counterpoint are people who are willing to delay their gratification. Some can't. Some, out of personal insecurities, think they're not deserving or worthy, to be blessed with such a gift, and they cash in for the nearest thing paying them any attention. Whether a person believes in "the one" theory or not, one thing is certain: More and more people are not settling anymore. I believe that this is another cause for the high number of divorces. People, mid-life, are not only realizing what they really need out of a partner (after making life decisions in their "roaring 20's"), but they're also discovering that the person that they betrothed, or simply had kids with, seemed like a good idea at the time.

This argument is easily transferable to career pathing as well. Fading are the days where people are accepting careers simply for the money or benefits. With dozens of reports of stress related conditions linked to the workplace, people are starting to wake up and realize, "Am I supposed to be HERE? " People, just like in finding their soulmate, are more interested in doing what they were created to do, rather than simply fulfilling a position.(Here's where it gets personal)There I was. In a prestigious corporate job, making great money for a single guy.....unhappy! What does one do? Do I give up certainty for uncertainty? Do I sacrifice dollars for destiny? (Sigh) That's a question I currently face as I conclude my cushy teaching job to follow youth leadership development. But to me, personal satisfaction and fulfillment can't be measured in a yearly salary. I'm Heaven-bent on finding the vocation to which I was put on this Earth to do. I really do believe this!

I've heard that in life, you have to play the hand that you're dealt.......BS! True, life will deliver you some monkey-wrenches and throw some curve balls. But I also believe in grabbing life by the horns!! We can't dictate or determine everything that happens to us, but we sure can determine our response to those things!! So back to the card analogy: yes, we may get a "bad" hand, but I'm sure card experts will tell you that they've worked with, and won, with a bad hand before. Its all in how you play or bluff!! But my message to you, don't be so ready to accept the options given to you. As human beings, we're response-able. Unlike the animal kingdom who strictly go by instinct, we're able to intelligently respond to any stimuli given to us. So whether it comes to finding a mate (if you're still single) don't settle for what you see only. Believe! Same with your career. There's something that you were put on this earth to do. You may have to do some introspection to discover what you excel in. And if you're current job doesn't match, I challenge you (not to quit right now) but do your homework and follow your star. I heard a comparison that not doing something you love is like having a hole in your heart. It'll never be patched until you find your thing! Believe!

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