Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bara(c)k a hero of Biblical Proportions?

Yep! Get your Bible out and let’s take at Judges chapter 4. Go ahead, read through the chapter one time 1st before we get started, then we’ll convene.

I’ll wait……..………..

Okay, you done? Good. I know. Reading about all those Hebrew names is a little distracting. But follow the silver lining, if you will. Okay, the Cliff’s Notes version is that the Children of Israel (God’s people) were sold into slavery for doing bad stuff(vs. 1-2) But God, being the good, kind and merciful Father He is, heard their cry (v.3) and planned for their deliverance. At the time a lady named Deborah was the Judge or ruler of Israel (v.4…Who said ‘what’ about women leaders in the church?) She consulted with this guy named Barak to lead the armies of Israel to fight against the enemy (v.6) and told him that God will make him victorious (v.7b). Lastly she told him that the victory won’t be his to brag about, but it will be evident that this is God’s doing (v.9) He said, “Okay.”

Skip the middle.

It happened just as Debbie said God said it would. God defeated the enemy armies under the leadership of Barak, but not at the hand of Barak, per se’, but under God’s ultimate plan. Even so, Barak’s faith in the prophetess’ word earned him a spot in the Hebrews Hall of Faith, 11:32.

I’m glad you asked. Are your ready? Do you have your faith with you? Then let’s go!

Barack, similar to Barak, was “called” into leadership. Remember that it was only 2+ years ago that Barack finally considered the presidency. Before that, he was not considering it at all. (Or at least not yet) But both were called into leadership, and not for their own agenda or ego, but for the sake of an oppressed people. Now, consider the enemies. Then, it was one man with a lot of power, enslaving God’s people. Nowadays, we have a powerful few (banks, billionaires, world leaders, oil tycoons, gov’t secrecy, etc) that are “enslaving” millions across the world. Though physical slavery is all but stamped out, financial, mental, and social slavery are alive and well. These types are not as obvious.
So. We now have a man named Barack who is “anointed” to lead the free world and bring change primarily to oppressed people here in America and beyond. But this battle that he has against the powers that be, he cannot win it in and of himself. He needs, we need God to win this battle with his representative at the helm. And at the end no one but God will get the glory. Barack already stated this when he makes statements like “change doesn’t come from Washington. It comes to Washington.” This means we all have a part to play in this victorious change. In a word, PRAY! Pray for our leader, his safety and steady hand. Our part is to do our part. Live like you have common sense. Act your wage. Golden Rule. And before we know it, people will be asking, “Can we live?” And the resounding answer will be


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Becoming a Star!

Becoming a Star!

In this entertainment saturated society, it seems as if the dream of several Americans is to become rich and famous. This is why lottery tickets and TV will never go out of style in our culture. And even those who don’t necessarily look for the limelight, wouldn’t mind putting their mug on camera for a 15 second sound byte. Even so, those who stay completely away from the stage or the camera altogether still love to “star-gaze” their favorite actor, singer, athlete, politician, or hero. And instead having a long hard road to stardom, being famous nowadays is a little more common thanks to Reality-TV.
This industry turns ordinary people into instant celebrities, making being famous a real and vivid possibility for some. But I would like to know, “What is it about being on TV that makes a person feel validated? Why does having fame and influence make a person feel important?” Whatever the answer is depends on our hierarchy of needs vs. fulfillment. But in our American culture, one thing for certain is that we are society of "star"-worshippers.

Since being a star is a popular and highly sought after career choice, it seems as though that by today's standards, pre-requisites don’t exist. Anybody can be a star! (See William Hung) Whether you’re a flash in the pan, overnight sensation, or a mainstay, nowadays the bar for entering into stardom is very low. A person can go from being a MySpace star to a music industry star in a matter of months! (Why is that?) In this instance I hate the game and the player because they, as public figures, give the notion that little-to-no effort is required to be a star. This notion is the reason why America's schools are filled with dreamy-eyed hopefuls. People, with little-to-no skill set or formal training, think they can "make-it" with 1 or 2 auditions. Contemporary fame accidentally sends the message that "you can get here with minimal effort." (See American Idol tryouts) Our stars need to portray a stronger message. Whether they are overnight sensations, or have been in business for the past 20 years, I believe stars have 2 specific roles to play in society.

A) True to the positioning of stars in relation to the Earth, they're supposed to inspire us to look and reach upwards.
B) True to the nature of stars, their role is being a beacon of light in dark places.

Allow me to explain the roles in more detail. Any kind of celebrity (musician, comedians, movie-star, TV-personality, radio personality, politician, etc) can do 1 of several things. From least to greatest they can:
  1. Distract
  2. Amuse
  3. Entertain or
  4. Inspire.
But in all of these verbs, each deals with your attention and well being.
Let's start at the very base of stardom; a celebrity can "distract" your attention. At this level a star simply has caused a diversion of your attention away from whatever your stream of consciousness was. Whether they are a gospel singer, a TV-Talk show host, or a favorite comedian, they said or did something to cause you to be temporarily distracted from your activity. The problem with this level is that is does nothing to enhance your well being or add to your consciousness. It simply was a distraction. You may have chuckled, had a 10 second thought pattern, or even just gazed in their general direction, but it did not contribute to your day. Sadly, many media sources are simply happy with your attention. The they are not concerned with what kind of attention it is. Ever heard of that phrase, "Any publicity is good publicity"? As long as you looked and listened their way, they're satisfied.

Next, let's take a look at the word amuse. This word is heavily overrated. The root word muse means "to think, meditate, and ponder." Normally, when you put an 'A' in front of the word, it takes on a canceling or a neutralizing effect. (a-typical, a-nonymous, a-sexual, etc) But not so in this case. This 'a' is more similar to the 'put' or 'add thereto' as in "amass, amaze, or ablaze". Therefore, I believe that a more accurately defined meaning of amusement is when you give mental assent for someone, or something, to add or put something in your thinking or meditation. The only problem with this level is that the item that is suggested for your amusement can be good or bad. This level reminds me why I like jazz and other instrumental music. See, I'm a big fan of following my streams of consciousness and meditations. And I often find that music with lyrics is often interruptive and very intrusive. In other words lyrical music is saying, "For the next 4 minutes and 15 seconds I want you to think about the following topic." I also have a disdain for commercials and am an avid of satellite radio. Instead of being amused with my program of choice on TV or radio for an uninterrupted period of time, I'm usually interrupted with the suggestion that I should drink Pepsi Cola or that I should turn my scrap gold jewelry into cash now. What if I don't want to think about that? Too late! The commercial is already within earshot and it’s up to me to delete the thought in my mind. Back to the word amusing, it simply is a person, place or thing that gives you food for your thought life. Good or bad, take it or leave it.

Next is entertain. Entertainment has better value than the previous two stages. Entertain gives the same prefix 'en' as to 'mutually welcome-in' or enter; meaning the recipient heartily and readily allows the subject into their state of being. Whether the subject matter is a single thought or a 1/2 hour sitcom, the recipient eagerly entertains the item, normally, because it brings general or great pleasure. Entertainment usually offers something of noted value, thereby enhancing or enthralling the listener/viewer. Entertainment can bring laughter to the depressed, comfort to the loner, and preoccupation to the bored; amongst many other positives. So although entertainment has significant value and worth, I encourage all stars not to be content at this level only. Go for the highest level of stardom in that of inspiration.

Inspiration has the highest level of worth to offer. It spiritually "lifts" the recipient from where they are, to a desired place or state of mind or being. I like how self-help author and lecturer Dr. Wayne Dyer points out how "inspiration" is very close in kind to the words "in-spirit". When you inspire people, you are in a very real sense connecting to their spirit, 'in-spirit', and are giving them a positive perspective, enhancement and motivation to do, be, or think what they hadn't considered before. This is the ultimate in human achievement. This is the point where stars ought to use their realm of influence (star-power) for the good of star-gazers. Sadly, many stars only see entertaining or inspiring as by-products to their vain quest to be rich and famous. In VERITAS, the purpose of stars is strictly for the benefit of people, not for themselves. The benefits of being a star (money, power, respect) should only be the by-product.

Lastly, a star is obligated to be a beacon of light in dark places. True to its nature, stars illuminate what would otherwise be a dark, unending perspective. Though the stars don't change the ominous backdrop itself, it does provide glitters of light, hope, and perspective. And the darker the night-sky, the brighter they shine. This is very similar to our human "stars." For a large majority of people on Earth, life is dark, dismal, and un-inspiring at best. Human-stars tend to radiate the spiritual vibe of light, hope, and inspiration; and the darker the perspective, the better they shine. This is why self-interests or greed cannot be in the personality of a star. Being a star has nothing to do with feeding ones' ego as it does with inspiring others to reach higher, go farther, or to be encouraged.

In closing, I personally encourage YOU the reader to discover and wholeheartedly explore your potentiality. You have the rest of your life ahead of you. For those who are aspiring to become "rich and famous" in whatever discipline, please make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Check your ego and insecurities at the front door. Also, please know that becoming a star and staying a star are 2 completely different things. Whereas your personality and connections may get you in the door, hard work plus skill will keep the door open; there are no shortcuts. When you take shortcuts in life, you cut yourself short. For those who are already of noted fame and/or influence or, if you're just a "Joe-The Plumber" kind of work-a-day person with an nominal level of influence, considering the tough criteria it takes to be a true star, (whether you're distracting, amusing, entertaining or inspiring and being a beacon of light) I implore you to let your light shine! And I wish you all the best in becoming a star!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The "Great" Debate, part 3

3) Greatness is established when you die in the process..

Greatness doesn’t sound so appealing anymore, does it? But it’s true. Only when you pass away on the way to your goal/dream, after having gone through many hardships but enduring them with integrity, is greatness most often established. Sometimes you can complete your work, but it won’t be affective until after you expire. (Christians, consider Hebrews 9:16-17) That’s why one has to be working on something that’s greater than themselves--something greater than their name. Life is much more than “getting your name out there” or building up your wealth. Having goals are one thing; and a very important thing at that. But a dream….is a “thing of beauty, and a joy forever!” Goals are personal desires put into action plans. Dreams are much larger. It includes you in its desires and plans.

Let’s consider some fallen great ones. We’ll start off with the great dreamer and doer, MLK. Yeah, he talked about a better day and was working on it. But it wasn’t until years after his assassination that his dream is becoming a reality for many people. Though his work gained him some personal success, he dreamed up something much larger than him. Something that included him primarily as the mouthpiece. Because of such, his legacy and dream continue to this day. What greatness!
Consider Bob Marley. His socially conscious songs reverberated throughout the music industry. Also during his life he performed at major political concerts promoting peace and unity through his music. But it wasn’t until after his death that he became a world-wide music legend, winning Time magazine’s greatest album of the 20th century. There’s many, many more names I can refer, but let me stop at these two just to point out that their greatness was bonafide, solidified, and justified in the untimely event of their death. But despite their worldwide popularity, their road wasn’t glorious. Greatness is very costly! For instance, both MLK and Marley were shot in the line of duty, recovered and still pressed on in their purpose. These men, plus many more, paid their dues with deposits made to their personal Bank of Integrity.

Even though greatness seems to have fame right at its heels, I submit to you that we are living among, what I like to call, “Common Greatness.” That simply means that we all know a person, or know of a person in our lives, who has demonstrated the attributes of greatness. No true story fits this category more for me than a DC local great, Noble Jolley Sr. Though widely known in the DC area and beyond as a fantastic guitarist, teacher and preacher, Noble (that’s actually his first name) will go down in history as a great family man! I could go on and on about his accomplishments in music and teaching, but what made him great was his personal sacrifice. Earlier in his music career, because he was such great guitarist, Blue Note recording company tapped him on the shoulder to make a CD and “be a star.” He reportedly turned it down primarily because he did not want to be an absentee dad! (He was married with 7 children). He knew that the life of a musician had the potential to be strenuous with always being either on the road or in the studio. He wanted neither. He’d rather be accessible to his family. Essentially, he turned down a million dollar opportunity because he knew that money couldn’t buy presence. Lastly on Mr. Jolley, when one of his musician daughters needed a favor for an upcoming gig, he is quoted as saying, “Sure! I’d love to do it. I just want to serve you! Serving my family makes me the happiest man on this earth!” The day he was to serve his family, was the day they buried him from a rare heart condition. Though he didn’t enjoy the popularity of other, more famous musicians, he profoundly touched the lives of those he knew in a great way.

So, there you have it. I submit to you, what I would consider, the top 3 criteria for the nomination of great. Greatness:
1) Finds those who are not looking for great things or a reputation
2) Is borne out of hardships, but stays morally principled and
3) Established when you die in the process

In closing, I say to you that greatness is achievable. Not everybody is, but they always will have the potential to be great. It is all up to you. Though it’s a tall order, it is possible. Though it’s costly, it is affordable. You don’t have to have a great name, have great beginnings, a great background, or a great situation. All you have to do is great things! Continue to make self-controlled deposits into your Bank of Integrity, and when the time comes, you’ll be able to afford greatness in your life.

Life is short! You might as well make it great! J

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The "Great" Debate, part 2

2) Greatness is borne out of enduring hardship, and staying morally principled.
In our society of attributing one’s worth to their physical appearance and or accumulation of trappings, one very underrated quality is one’s inner strength. The main reason being, no one can really see this virtue in another without knowing them. Another reason why we don’t give much play to inner strength is because….it’s hard! It’s hard to do the right thing-for somebody else-especially when we don’t get rewarded for it. But that’s where greatness germinates.

Let’s call the seed of greatness self-control. Now, I have seen many definitions of self-control but my overall favorite is: “Knowing that you can do something, but deciding not to do it.” So in essence, it’s mind-over-muscle. You are emperor of your impulses; your impulses don’t employ you. You are ruler of your reactions, your reactions don’t rule you. The great thing about self-control is that we have instances in our everyday lives where we get to improve upon, what I like to cal, our “do-right” muscle. Just like regular muscles, our do-right muscle has to be exercised. If not, than in the day of adversity, we will faint under the sheer weight of the pressure and temptation. We need our “do-right” muscle to resist the pressure to cave in to our emotions or reactions. Take for instance a temperamental parent of a young child. If they are driving down a major highway, and some jerk cuts them off, how should that parent respond now that they have little ears around? Self-Control! How should a young man react when he’s given the notion that he doesn’t have to report “all” of his income on his taxes, especially because he’s financially challenged right now? Self-Control! When we make little, great decisions, we are rep-ping our “do-right” muscle. So much so that when a big situation comes, we can endure the pressure and come out doing the right thing. But we haven’t achieved greatness yet! We need one more element: selflessness.

Doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason, the right way is called integrity. That’s a noteworthy virtue in and of itself. But to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason, the right way, under extreme and adverse conditions produces greatness! Let’s take for instance the story of a modern-day hero Nelson Mandela. Essentially, he purposefully extended his jail time to 27 years until his people we free from apartheid. What strength! What self-control! What selflessness ! It’s hard enough to do the right thing under adverse pressure for ourselves, but to go though vicissitudes for somebody else’s benefit only? Whew! That’s a tall order. But it’s doable! And needed! In today’s society of “me first” and “looking out for numero uno”, people only seem to give you a weird look when you’re doing something solely for somebody else’s benefit, while you suffer. But don’t let ‘em get to you! There’s never an apology for doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason, the right way for somebody else!

Remember: We have opportunities to build our integrity in everyday instances; thereby exercising our “do-right” muscle. Keep in mind this quote: "He who controls others is powerful. He who masters himself is stronger still." But it’s only when we plant this fully developed seed of integrity into the soil of external pressure and temptation (especially for somebody else) that it yields greatness. The sad thing is that most people don’t recognize greatness in the making. Most won’t even acknowledge it, sometimes because it makes them feel a certain way. But greatness doesn’t seek attention. It doesn’t look for compliments or reassurance from others in the process, or after. Sometimes, it goes unnoticed for years after the event is long said and done.

Stay tuned to part 3 for when greatness is established!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Next Great….?

Come on. Admit it. We Americans are a society of star-gazers. Dare I even say “star-worshippers”? Whether you participate or not, as a culture, we glorify and sometimes even deify celebrities. This is especially true for those of us who pay close attention to pop-culture. (guilty). We have no problem with setting somebody up on a pedestal and attributing their worth to inspire us or make us feel good in some way. I believe it’s also true that the quicker we hail them, the quicker they lose their spot when they disappoint us. Though we might be forgiving personally, collectively we often practice un-forgiveness. Overall, we are in the habit of immortalizing people, and most often for very good reasons, affixing them as heroes and heroine, if not of the land, than of our hearts.

My question to everyone is: What makes a person great? We are quick to make people famous, stars, heroes, celebrities, idols, icons, legends, great, etc., but we don’t have a set standard of what makes a person qualify for these revered categories. (At least not in pop culture or the media). So then to qualify, it becomes every man for his own opinion. And similar to the voting process, the person with the most similar opinions about them, wins the overall favorable status. But does that mean they truly qualify? So, essentially, it’s arguable and debatable whether or not some stars should acquire the status they have.

But what I want to argue today is the issue of greatness. What makes a person great?Well, it is my fondest belief that greatness:
1. Finds those who are not looking for it
2. Is borne out of enduring hardship being morally principled
3. Is established when you die in the process

Lesson #1. Finds those who are not looking for it.
In the rap music industry, there was/is a debate whether a living great is Jay-Z or Li’l Wayne. If you’re not familiar with either, I can attest that they both are very talented. But as it pertains to greatness, you have to break open more and stringent criteria. My only caveat with Li’l Weezy is that he’s looking and trying to be “great.” Similar to Kanye West, they’ve made it known that one of their main goals is to be great. My question to them, and any other, would be: How dare you impose your will upon the opinion of the masses? Greatness has to be given to you! I mean, you could call yourself great names all day, but what if we all don’t agree? Then you become what we commonly call as a “legend in his own mind.”

Side note: Greatness is not to be confused with popularity. Just Blaze, another popular music figure, when asked who does he think is the "greatest. Who is the hottest ", correctly asserted that they are two different terms. Being "hot" (experiencing temporary, yet significant progress and success) is very different from being "great" (long term success, a history of successes and recognition). It's very possible to be hot, without being great.

But, the reason why certain people are great are because they’re not looking for it. I learned a “great” lesson that good leaders are people who work on something that’s bigger than them or their name. Therefore, even if and when they die, the work will continue. So tell me what’s bigger: trying to be the best entertainer or inspiring mankind and generations to come? I know one particular artist whose primary goal is win a Grammy. Actually, what musician wouldn’t want to win that coveted prize? But I feel like their vision is too short. Go beyond Grammy! Go beyond accolades and recognition! Go to the sphere where you can change the way the world thinks, acts and does in a single song! That’s greatness! Ever heard of that phrase that says, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll be among the stars!”? True words indeed. If your goal and/or dream is fairly attainable in your lifetime, then its too short! But if your aspiration is gi-normous than it’s perfect! Mainly because even if you never reach that goal, your legacy will continue in the hands of another, and your name will live on (in a good way, I hope). The main point is: in your life’s pursuit, don’t target on greatness. Go Beyond. Go higher! Greatness will find you!
Stay tuned for part 2.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

R U The 1?

In this society of forward thinkers, we are increasingly more aware of the purpose and meaning of life. Words like "destiny" and "purpose" are now part of the contemporary school of thought, more than any other time in history. Whether we hear messages in the churches, or read positive or spiritual material, people are accepting the idea that life, not only has meaning, but the meaning of can be ascertained.

Let me start with dating. In my short 30+ years on the planet, I'm seeing a transition in society from, marrying whoever you're dating, to seeking for your soul-mate. Now, there's still a large percentage who marry for x number of reasons that do not include being their soul-mate. But there's an increasing number of singles who are turned on to the notion that there is a person who they're "destined" to be with. Some people happen to find them, while others wait prayerfully for them to come. Not to be confused with "hopeless romantics" who wish their s.o. will ride in on a white horse, these "soul-mate-searchers" realize that their person may not be flawless, but, they will have everything they need. This is why the rash in dating, phone, and online services., amongst many, many others, furnish the idea that "The One" is out there. Obviously, these persons who are waiting for their soul's counterpoint are people who are willing to delay their gratification. Some can't. Some, out of personal insecurities, think they're not deserving or worthy, to be blessed with such a gift, and they cash in for the nearest thing paying them any attention. Whether a person believes in "the one" theory or not, one thing is certain: More and more people are not settling anymore. I believe that this is another cause for the high number of divorces. People, mid-life, are not only realizing what they really need out of a partner (after making life decisions in their "roaring 20's"), but they're also discovering that the person that they betrothed, or simply had kids with, seemed like a good idea at the time.

This argument is easily transferable to career pathing as well. Fading are the days where people are accepting careers simply for the money or benefits. With dozens of reports of stress related conditions linked to the workplace, people are starting to wake up and realize, "Am I supposed to be HERE? " People, just like in finding their soulmate, are more interested in doing what they were created to do, rather than simply fulfilling a position.(Here's where it gets personal)There I was. In a prestigious corporate job, making great money for a single guy.....unhappy! What does one do? Do I give up certainty for uncertainty? Do I sacrifice dollars for destiny? (Sigh) That's a question I currently face as I conclude my cushy teaching job to follow youth leadership development. But to me, personal satisfaction and fulfillment can't be measured in a yearly salary. I'm Heaven-bent on finding the vocation to which I was put on this Earth to do. I really do believe this!

I've heard that in life, you have to play the hand that you're dealt.......BS! True, life will deliver you some monkey-wrenches and throw some curve balls. But I also believe in grabbing life by the horns!! We can't dictate or determine everything that happens to us, but we sure can determine our response to those things!! So back to the card analogy: yes, we may get a "bad" hand, but I'm sure card experts will tell you that they've worked with, and won, with a bad hand before. Its all in how you play or bluff!! But my message to you, don't be so ready to accept the options given to you. As human beings, we're response-able. Unlike the animal kingdom who strictly go by instinct, we're able to intelligently respond to any stimuli given to us. So whether it comes to finding a mate (if you're still single) don't settle for what you see only. Believe! Same with your career. There's something that you were put on this earth to do. You may have to do some introspection to discover what you excel in. And if you're current job doesn't match, I challenge you (not to quit right now) but do your homework and follow your star. I heard a comparison that not doing something you love is like having a hole in your heart. It'll never be patched until you find your thing! Believe!

Wish Vs. Dream

Short answer: A wish is a fleeting, momentary desire usually based on what we see externally. A dream is our soul's desire spoken to us through our subconscious. Also, a wish, just like candles on a birthday cake, can be blown away. A dream is like that trick B-day candle: it can't!!

Long Answer: Okay, first of all, when I'm talking dreams, I'm not talking about you ate bad pizza the night before and now you're on the train with a traveling circus and your brother is the ringmaster. Succinctly said, a dream is your soul's wish/desire. Keep in mind that this desire is pure, beneficial, and always helping mankind in some fashion. It is not selfish, greedy, or impatient. But most importantly, it is real! Wishes, all well and good, are usually externally motivated; based on something we see. We wish for a better world, more money, a better house, car, I wish that problematic person would go away, etc. But just like your bedsheets, wishes change every so often. A dream can't!!A dream....(sigh) a thing of beauty.

First of all, it is my fondest belief that it is God's blueprint for your soul. When He created your soul, He put some specific desires in your heart and soul. Our great mystery is discovery. In this life, we can get so turned around or so distracted that its hard to know what's in our soul. Then there are some who have a notion, but its not completely clear yet. But no matter if you don't have a clue, you have a clue, or you know full well, a dream will NEVER die! No matter how many haters come your way, no matter how much life takes a whoopin on you, no matter how much you ignore it yourself, YOUR DREAM WILL NOT DIE. That's why I compared it to that trick B-Day candle, it cannot be extinguished. As a matter of fact, the only way to kill a dream is to kill the person. (MLK) Yes, even sitting in the prison of depression, despair, and loneliness, if you look hard enough, you'll see that your dream is your companion. It's your vision when the lights are turned out. Your dream is all your own. It is not shared with any one else's. Someone else may compliment what you have in your heart to do, but yours is irreplaceable.

The last thing I can encourage you to do is to FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!! Don't chase after wishes or things you can see. That'll only lead to to temporary happiness. Dreams are fulfilling, when pursued. Stay true to your dream. Don't be dismayed. Remember: Your dream is humanitarian. It will in some way, shape, or form be benevolent to mankind. It is not selfish. Follow Your Dream!Quite honestly, my occupational door didn't open up until I took Henry David Thorough's advice when he said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." And let me leave with Eleanor Roosevelt's quote. If you want a guarantee to see the future, well, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

A New Black American Hero

As I talk with youth and teens throughout DC, I get a very real sense of who their pop-culture icons are. And 99.99% of the time, the pictures they have on their Myspace, the names they have on their notebooks and on their lips are largely rappers, TV & movie stars, musicians and sports celebrities. Unfortunately in all of these professions, one's talent can outshine their intellect. We might get a sense of their business savvy (Russell Simmons, Diddy, Jay-Z, etc) but there is no public indication of their mental prowess. Even with the stars that were mentioned parenthetically, there is an over-arching inference that says, "I gotta be cool. I gotta have swag." OR "It's all about making more money."

Now I realize that politicians have their hangups as well. But at the heart of a true politician.....(insert Obama) the general concern and welfare of other people. Actually, politicians are public servants. Their primary concern is people. They're in office to take care of the needs of people.

So in this instance, we now have a AA figure who is not publically concerned with "gettin dat money" or trash talking and trying to win a championship. This is a smart black man who is trying to make change for the benefit of the American people. Sidenote: I realize that he's not the 1st smart black public figure in our generation. But going back to the last 20-30 years, nobody ( not Colin Powell, Jesse Jackson, etc) has entered into "pop culture", is widely recognized and is respected and accepted by all youth the way Obama is!